Zodee: Zodiac Matchmaking | UI/UX Case Study

Welcome! This application was designed and developed for the final project in the UI/UX track Independent Study activities at Startup Campus.
Bagaimana cara kami memulai tahapan pengerjaan final project? Kami menggunakan langkah-langkah kreatif seperti memahami pengguna, identifikasi masalah, memecahkan masalah, dan mengembangkan solusi yang inovatif.
Here comes the star💫…hasil dari high-fidelity design yang telah kami buat
Zodee: Zodiac Matchmaking | UI/UX Case Study

Zodee: Zodiac Matchmaking | UI/UX Case Study

Zodee UI/UX Case Study, designed over a 6-week period as part of the UI/UX Independent Study track at Startup Campus.
